giovedì 28 febbraio 2008

I'll keep your secrets

I'll keep your secrets
I'll hold your ground
And when the darkness starts to fall
I'll be around there waiting
When dreams are fading
And friends are distant and few
Know at that moment I'll be there with you

[Beethoven says to Fate that it is now clear to him that it was his deafness that was the cause of all his unhappiness. "Remove this infirmity and my whole life will turn out right. If I had not gone deaf I would still have been able to perform live and Theresa and I would have had a life together."]

[Fate assures him that it can be done but once again feels she must warn him of the consequences. She points out that before his deafness his career was more concentrated on live performance than on composing. The Muses of music had always been speaking to him but it was only after he became deaf that he could clearly hear their voices. "Your live performances were brilliant but they lasted but a moment, while your compositions will echo forever."]

[She then shows Beethoven himself slipping deeper and deeper into his pit of total silence, but all the while the Muses continue to whisper in his ear.]

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